Friday, July 8, 2011

Go home, Republicans!

Richard Milhouse Nixon would never have been elected president were there a Kennedy left alive! Ronald Reagan never would have been elected if he had not struck a deal that would include striking a deal with the mullahs of Iran to hold the hostages until after the Inauguration, and that is what happened.

Nixon was a Howard Hughes-lackey who, as Vice President, rifled through the Senate the Hughes helicopter contract, which was bid so low it did not exceed the cost of the raw materials. Ever the war-time profiteer, Hughes tripled the cost to the government; something that had never been done before. This would all be just innocuous politics, but several things happened as a result. The Hughey's of Viet Nam were so poorly built that fully one-third of the officers in the Hanoi Hilton went down in a junk Hughey, and three months after Bobby Kennedy was murdered the lawsuit Attorney General Robert Kennedy brought against Hughes held, and HH was fined 261-million dollars. Upon that circumstance, the "strategy" in Viet Nam was to switch to, "a ground war," costing tens-of-thousands of good, young men, (avg. age: 19), their precious lives. It was switched for the simple reason that Hughes would lose money on every broken down, or shot down helicopter. It must be noted, future Defense Secretary Robert McNamara introduced, in 1959, the concept of Helicopter-centered warfare, with all kinds of strange weaponry on future helicopters. Hughes helicopters.

Hughes believed a good actor, with the right speech-writers, and a lot of money could become president. Hughes died in the Spring of 1976. Reagan won the W.H. in 1980, which, by-the-way was the last year statistics were kept on the annual revenue of JFK memorabelia: One Billion Dollars. Today we have Anne Coulter blurting-out such non-sense as, "Well, Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist." Nice try, 'publicans. Oswald was a patsy, ordered to fire high and wide of the presidential motorcade, and was the signal to Robert Mahue, Ed Morgan, Walt Rostow, Johnny Rosselli and Sam Giancana to open fire...

First, Dr. Charles Henderson performed, "a tracheostomy," (a breathing tube). Then, 40lbs of ice was ordered, (to slow the metabolism down so he would not bleed to death). Then, they said to the shocked Jackie Kennedy, who was holding part of the president's brain in her clenched fist, "Please, Mrs. Kennedy, we need this." They had to wrench it from her grasp.

The (Bell) helicopter carrying JFK to Bethesda Naval Hospital was radio'ed to, " ...not go to Bethesda. Divert to Walter Reed (Army Hospital). The four orderlies attending to Jack were ordered by Lt. Commander George H.W. Bush to leave the Examination Room. Walt Whitman Rostow, according to President Lyndon B. Johnson, "Did the operation," (on), "the president's throat." (He removed the rifle round that would have proven Oswald did not act alone. He was just a patsy whom Officer Tippit tried to kill, but Oswald shot first, and killed Tippit.) What Walt never knew until I told one of his agente provocatures that, "Not only was it too high-profile to cover-up forever, and Walt is stupid to believe that, and shooting a president carries a heavy penalty, again, stupid, but the stupidest thing he did was remove the rifle round from Jack's throat, he cleared the airway! The last Autopsy photo I saw was of the president supine, his head fully intact, throat sewn-up, and with a slight smile on his face... corpses do not smile. The family had an unannounced visit to his gravesite in, I think, September, 1996, and I spoke with dozens of people about my findings, but one was particularly enlightening: "Speak," said a gravelly voice.  told him of the president's throat document. He said, "Tha... ver-y int...," and I said, "I'm sorry..?" He said, "I sa that's ver-y intresting. What would you like?" "Nothing, sir, I just wanted you to know... "

If one wishes to see the eight documents I published in 2003, the new and revised ROGUE ELEMENTS can be found at, please send just two dollars and a valid email address to,
Gary Reginald Dodge, 141 Leland Avenue, 107, San Francisco, CA., 94134, and please go to,
 ...for Comments or Questions.

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